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Stay tuned for updates on TUSC events during the

2024-25 academic year!



As we settle into our position as a collective for a new year, TUSC would like to reimagine our purpose and impact. Namely, we envision the events of this school year to be focused on social awareness, in addition to our informal social events of the previous term(s). 


We believe that the passion of our members can be well served in important conversations about pressing issues both locally and internationally. We are, after all, sociology students! This is why TUSC will be holding 5 issue-themed events across the year to highlight five social-justice-related topics. Our intent is to inspire student discourse through the round-table conversations at these events, and by extension, motivate club members not only to be aware of these issues, but also ready to act on what they've learned.​


Check out the Events tab here every month for an introduction of our selected theme, event location/details, and online resources for you to watch, read, and liston to about the relevant topic.


Keep up with our Instagram, @tusc.trent, and our email messages (, as always for more updates!

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